IIC/I2C/TWI/SPI 5V Serial Interface Board Module for Arduino 1602LCD Display
Aus www.electronic-man.randschtoischlotzer.de
Version vom 14. August 2016, 09:19 Uhr von Eman (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Arduino control board IO port is only 20, plus some sensor, SD card Han, relay modules and more, IO port is not enough, The original 1602/2004 screen requires 7 IO port can drive up, we have developed this module can help you save five IO ports, we send arduino library
Product parameters:
- Dimensions: 41.5mm (length) * 19mm (W) * 15.3mm (height)
- Weight: 5g
- PCB Color: Black
- Supply Voltage :2.5-6V
- Supports the I2C protocol
- With backlight power control, can be connected via jumper settings are backlight power. Plug the jumper to connect the backlight off, unplug the jumper to disconnect the backlight power
- Contrast can be adjusted by turning the blue potentiometer clockwise increase, counterclockwise weakened. Potentiometer design on the front, enabling customers to freely adjust anytime
- Modules can be cascaded to cascade up to eight. By short-circuiting A0/A1/A2 modify the device address. The default address is 0x27.
Ändern der Adresse
This wil be a simple instructable on how to change the I2C addres of 1602 2004 lcd adapter. Iv decid it to make it after a frustrating attempt to find the address table on the net
Step 1: Locating the 3 address jumpers
If your adapter look eny thing like mine, thous 3 jumpers should be exactly as shown on the picture abow, once You have located them tak a closer look. factory setap (in my case) was that non of them was conected wich means that the addres of the device is 0x27
Step 2: Step 2 Changing the address